राज्य स्तरीय पैरा ओलंपिक 2021-22 खेलों की उपलब्धि |
12/9/2023 19 से 21 फरवरी 2022 में जयपुर में राज्य स्तरीय पैरा ओलंपिक खेलों का आयोजन हुआ इसमें संस्थान के 35 (स्कूल व कॉलेज के) बच्चों ने भाग लिया तथा 24 पदक प्राप्त किए इसमें 6 गोल्ड 9 सिल्वर नो ब्रोंज मैडल है। गोल्ड मेडल जीतने वाले बच्चों को एक लाख सिल्वर मेडल जीतने वाले बच्चों को पचास हजार तथा ब्रॉन्ज मेडल जीतने वाले बच्चों को पच्चीस हजार रुपये पारितोषिक स्वरूप प्राप्त होंगे
7 से 8 फरवरी 2023 को जयपुर में दिव्यांग जूनियर व सब जूनियर पैरा एथलेटिक्स व पैरा पावरलिफ्टिंग प्रतियोगिता में 22 बच्चों ने 36 पदक प्राप्त किये इसमें 24 स्वर्ण 10 रजत 2 कांस्य पदक है
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शिक्षक दिवस पर हेमा रानी गुलाटी का किया गया राज्य स्तरीय सम्मान |
12/9/2023 पाँच सितम्बर को जयपुर के बिड़ला ऑडिटोरियम में आयोजित राज्य स्तरीय समारोह में जोधपुर शहरी क्षेत्र से नेत्रहीन विकास संस्थान द्वारा संचालित आचार्य हस्ती विशेष आवासीय विद्यालय की प्रधानाध्यापिका हेमारानी गुलाटी का सम्मान किया गया।उन्होंने दिव्यांगों के क्षेत्र में शिक्षा, पुनर्वास, सामाजिक कार्य, रोजगारजैसे अनेक कार्य किए। हेमारानी विद्यालय भवन व संसाधनों के लिए भामाशाहों को प्रेरित कर दिव्यांगमूक बधिर बच्चों हेतु कान की मशीन, कक्षा में उपकरण, खेल कूद के समान, स्टेशनरीआदि उपलब्ध करवाती है। दिव्यांग बच्चों को खेल, हैंडीक्राफ्ट व सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों में राज्य व राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर पहचान दिलवायी है। इनके उत्कृष्टकार्यों के लिए इनका सम्मान किया गया । कार्यक्रम में माननीय मुख्यमंत्री, शिक्षामंत्री, तथा अन्य अतिथियों की उपस्थिति में प्रशस्ति पत्र, ताम्रपत्र पुरस्कार राशिका चेक प्रदान किया गया । नेत्रहीन विकास संस्थान अध्यक्षा सुशीला जी बोहरा व अन्य संस्थान स्टाफ ने हेमा रानी गुलाटी को राज्य स्तरीय सम्मान केलिए बधाई दी ।
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अंतर्राष्ट्रीय विशेष योग्यजन दिवस पर गणपत लाल जोशी को राज्य स्तरीय सम्मान |
20/12/2022 इस समारोह में श्रीमान टीकाराम जूली सामाजिक न्याय एवं अधिकारिता मंत्री राजस्थान सरकार जयपुर श्रीमान समित शर्मा सचिव सचिवालय विशेष योग्यजन एवं श्रीमान उमा शंकर शर्मा आयुक्त निदेशालय विशेष योग्यजन जयपुर द्वारा प्रशस्ति पत्र एवं ₹10000 नगद सम्मान राज्य सरकार द्वारा किया गया
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
नेत्रहीन विकास संस्थान की अध्यक्षा श्रीमती सुशीला जी बोहरा को सामाजिक सेवा के क्षेत्र में उल्लेखनीय योगदान के लिए जेन रत्न सेवा पुरस्कार |
20/12/2022 दिनांक 27.11.2022 को नेत्रहीन विकास संस्थान की अध्यक्षा श्रीमती सुशीला जी बोहरा को सामाजिक सेवा के क्षेत्र में उल्लेखनीय योगदान के लिए जेन रत्न सेवा पुरस्कार एवं 51000 रुपये नगद से श्री जैन सेवा संघ, मुंबई द्वारा सम्मानित किया। यह सम्मान समारोह वीर सावरकर हॉल, शिवाजी पार्क मुंबई में आयोजित हुआ। इस समारोह में माननीय न्यायाधिपति श्री समीर जैन, मुख्य अतिथि एवं श्री अशोक कुमार कोठारी, कमिश्नर ऑफ कस्टम, मुंबई वरिष्ठ अतिथि थे।
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
खेलों में भी हम आगे |
26/8/2021 खेलों में उत्कृष्ट प्रदर्शन के कारण 5 बच्चों को सरकारी नौकरी मिली प्रदीप, ममता, साहू, मुस्कान ओर सुमन दहिया का सरकारी नौकरी मे चयन इसके अलावा कुल 22 बच्चों को 35 लाख रुपए का नगद पुरस्कार प्राप्त हुआ
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
संस्थान के 2 छात्रों का R.A.S 2018 में सिलेक्शन |
26/8/2021 इस बार R.A.S परिणाम 2018 संस्थान के लिए बहुत ही सुखद रहे इस बार संस्थान के 2 छात्र कुलवंत व पूर्ण सिंह शेखावत का R.A.S मे चयन हुआ यह संस्थान के लिए बहुत ही गौरवपूर्ण क्षण है
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
गार्गी पुरस्कार 2021 |
26/8/2021 इस बार कक्षा 12 में 8 में से 7 छात्राओं को गार्गी पुरस्कार प्राप्त हुआ और कक्षा 10 में 6 छात्राओं को गार्गी पुरस्कार प्राप्त हुआ।
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
परीक्षा परिणाम 2020-21 |
24/8/2021 परीक्षा परिणाम 2020-21 इस बार का परीक्षा परिणाम में कक्षा 12 के पिछले सभी रिकॉर्ड तोड़ दिये। कक्षा 12 के 33 में से 33 बच्चे प्रथम श्रेणी मे उत्तीर्ण हुये सबसे अधिक अंक जितेंद्र पालीवाल के 95% प्राप्त किए तथा सबसे कम प्रतिशत भी 74% रहा, कक्षा 10 मे भी 28 मे से 26 बच्चे प्रथम श्रेणी मैं तथा 2 बच्चे द्वितीय श्रेणी में उत्तीर्ण हुये।
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
दिव्यांग पैरा राज्य स्तरीय ओपन प्रतियोगिता, जोधपुर |
13/3/2020 दिव्यांग पेरा राज्य स्तरीय ओपन खेलकुद प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन दिनांक 28.02.2020 से 02.03.2020 तक गौशाला मैदान जोधपुर में किया गया। नेत्रहीन विकास संस्थान के अध्यक्षा श्रीमती सुशीला बोहरा ने बताया कि संस्थान 47 नेत्रहीन बालक-बालिका खिलाड़ियों ने प्रतियोगिता में भाग लिया था जिसमें नेत्रहीन विकास संस्थान के बच्चों ने कुल 36 पदक प्राप्त किये जिसमें से 14 स्वर्ण पदक, 11 रजत पदक एवं 11 कांस्य पदक प्राप्त कर संस्थान व जोधपुर का नाम रोशन किया।
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Sansthan PRESIDENT Mrs. SUSHILA BOHRA got Satpal Mittal National Award |
13/1/2020 Our Sansthan PRESIDENT Mrs. SUSHILA BOHRA got Satpal Mittal National Award with 2.50 lakh at Ludhiyana on 11th November 2019 by Center Minister MR. PRAKASH JAVADEKAR and RAKESH MITTAL Aeirtal Head
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
16 वा दीक्षांत समारोह |
13/1/2020 16 वा दीक्षात समारोह दिनांक 9 दिसम्बर 2019 को जय नारायण व्यास यूनिवर्सिटी में आयोजित हुआ जिसमें हमारे संस्थान की मनीषा प्रजापत और दीपिका पारीख को राजस्थान के गवर्नर श्री कलराज मिश्र और उच्च शिक्षा मंत्री श्री भंवरलाल सिंह भाटी द्वारा स्वर्ण पदक व डिग्री प्राप्त हुई ,मनीषा पंवार ने स्पेशल बी.एड.( नेत्रहीन) में प्रथम स्थान प्राप्त किया तथा दीपिका पारीख ने स्पेशल डी.एड.( नेत्रहीन ) प्रथम सेम में प्रथम स्थान प्राप्त किया
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Louis Braille Blind Vikas Sansthan Jaipur organized all India blind women’s music competition |
25/11/2019 On 12,13 October 2019 Louis Braille Blind Vikas Sansthan Jaipur organized all India blind women’s music competition in which our institute student Suman Rathore take part in it and get first position she received 5100 rupee as cash award and a certificate, same student also get first position in all rounder music competition and received 5100/- rupee more as cash award and a certificate, second position occupied by hema tailor She received 3100/- rupee and on third position was Parveen Tahir he received 2100/-as cash prize.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291 - 2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
National level Braille reading and writing competition was Organized by National blind union |
25/11/2019 National level Braille reading and writing competition was Organized by National blind union New Delhi on 2, 3 and 4 December in which students of NETRAHEEN VIKAS SANSTHAN also participated. In this competition Arun panchariya received 1st prize in senior level for Braille reading and he got 20,000/- rupees as a cash prize and certificate, Le buzzclip as he came first. And in junior level Varsha Kumari occupied second position Braille reading and she got 15,000/- rupees cash prize and a certificate, Le buzzclip. They both study in NETRAHEEN VIKAS SANSTHAN and in this way they made Jodhpur Rajasthan very proud of them.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291 - 2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
40th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION - closing ceremony |
The closing ceremony of 40th Anniversary celebration
was held on 31st August 2017. many dignitaries were present in the programme
including His Highness Maharaja Shri Gaj Singh ji (president), Dr. Arun Chaturvedi
Social Justice and welfare Minister (Chief Guest, Jodhpur Mayor Sh. Ghanshyam Ojha,
MLA Smt. Suryakanta Vyas, Sh. Kailash Bhansali,
Sh. Jogaram Patel, President(A.I.C.) Sh. K. N. Bhandari, Sh. Dhanna ram Purohit (Commisioner – Disable Persons)
were present as Special Guest.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291 - 2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
National Disable Sports Championship- INAUGURATTION |
National Disable Sports Championship
was organized on the occasion of 40th Annivarsary of Netraheen Vikas Sansthan.
Chief Justice Sh. Sandeep Mehta(Chief Guest), Dy. Mayor Sh. Devendra Salecha(President)
and other respected guests inaugurated the National Championship.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291 - 2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
40th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION - closing ceremony |
On this occasion Our Dignitaries
honoured our Respected Bhamashas and the
winner of the National Disable Sports Championship were presented the Trophy.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291 - 2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
News for D.Ed. HI admission |
Contact Person : Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2758463
Contact Mail : ajayleelaspecialttcollege@yahoo.in
important topics were discussed during the course of session for betterment of
children with hearing impairment. It is emphasized that all round development
shoud be done for children with hearing impared. In the closing ceremony Mr.
Ratan Lahoti, Divisional Commisioner, Jodhpur awarded Prizes and certificates .
Vote of thanks was given by Mr. Pramod Kumar Kulhade.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERENCE was commenced from21st to 23rd Feb by
The theme of
the conference was “Marching ahead towards better opportunities in education
and services for children with Hearing Empairment”
In this
conference the participants were from various institutions from all over
India.The Delegates from NGO’s , National Institutes and Special Educators have
taken active part in different sessions of conference.
was inaugurated by Hon. State Law and I.T. Minister Mr. P.P. Choudhry. Different sessions were
chaired by and co-chaired by Hon. Personalities of special educationas Dr.
Amitav Mishra(President NCED INDIA), Smt. Sushila Bohra (President NCED
Rajasthan Chapter), Dr. N. Rathna(Ex President NCED India, Dr. Meera
Suresh(Vice President NCED India), Dr. Himanshu Das(Director, NIEPMD Channai),
Dr. Varsha Ghatoo(H.O.D. Educaton Ayjnishd, Mumbai) and Mr. Pramod Kumar
Kuhade(Secretary , NCED Rajasthan Chapter)
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
National Conference for the Deaf –Mute |
LEELA VISISTH PRASHIKSAN MAHAVIDHYALAYA operated under Netraheen Vikas Sansthan and Teachers for
Deaf-Mute and Rajasthan Chapter jointly is organizing a National
Conference from 21st Feb 2017 to 23rd Feb 2017 at
Maheshwari Bhawan, Jodhpur. The conference will be headed by Smt. Sushila
Bohra. It will be inaugurated by Law Minister Sh. P.P. Chaudhary at
9a.m., Chief Guest Sh. R.P. Singh (Kulpati Vyas University), Senior
Guest Smt. Amita Mishra(President, Indian N.C.I.D) and Sh. Himanshu Das
from Channai will be the honorable guests at this event. Experts of the
Deaf- Mute subject from all over India will be present at this conference. Paper
Presentation and discussions will be held on different topics. The programe
will be held in 3 sessions. Experts and students will get the opportunity to
have discussions.
Contact Person : sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Eye Camp |
A 4 member team from Shroff Hospital, Delhi Visited
our institute to organize an Eye camp on 61th and 17th Feb 2017 The team members were Dr. Abhishek Karan(Low
Vision, Child Specialist), Dr. Javed Akhtar(Child Eye Specialist), Dr. Kashish
Tiwari (Child Eye Specialist) and sh. Ajay Kumar(Project Manager). They thoroughly
investigated all the students from class 1st to 12th and
will send the detailed report very soon
Contact Person : sushila Bohra
Contact No. :
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Visit of Mobility Disability Expert |
Dr. Homiyar (Mobility Disability Expert Programe
Management, India), Visited our institution on 16th Feb 2017. He
gave Expert openion and motivated the staff and students to use the Mordern
scientific techniques to cope up with the other people o f the society. He also
gave many useful tips and motivated students to take membership in book share
so that they can get their course books and all other books easily
Contact Person : Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
A National Level Sports Competition was held by SOCIETY FOR
WELFARE OF THE HANDICAPPED on the occasion of their Golden Jubilee function from
27-12-2016 to 29-12-2016. In this event 20 Blind students from Netraheen Vikas
Sansthan participated and won 07 Gold, , 06 Silver and 03 Bronze medals in different events held
in the Competition
Contact Person : Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
12-12-2016 to 15-12-2016. From our school 20 students participated in
the event and they won 04 Gold, 03 Silver and 12 Bronze medals
Contact Person : Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
The 6
months CSR project SPONSERED BY NSIC JAIPUR was inaugurated by the Chief Guest His Highness Maharaja
Gaj Singh ji in the presence of honorable guests Sh. Mahendra Singh
Rathore, (Chairman JDA), Sh. DD
Maheshwari (Sr. Branch Manager, NSIC Jaipur), Sh. Ajay Sharma (Manager, NSIC
Jaipur and Smt Suryakanta Vyas (MLA Sursagar) on 18 Jan 2017.
7 different types of courses will be conducted in this
project which includes English Speaking, YOGA & SPORTS, Handicrafts, Music,
Personality Development, Tailoring and Computer courses. These
courses will help these students to stand on their own and as well as to get
jobs in different sectors.
Contact Person : Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Date Extend upto 5 August 2016 of B. Ed. - (VI) admission |
Contact Person : Mrs. Sushila bohra, Chandan Raj Bhansali
Contact No. : 9414133879, 8947034660
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Date Extend upto 20 July 2016 of B. Ed. - (VI) admission |
Contact Person : Mrs. Sushila bohra, Chandan Raj Bhansali
Contact No. : 9414133879, 8947034660
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
18/1/2016 Shri D. K. Agarwal from NSIC , Jaipur inaugurated the 6 months CSR project in Netraheen Vikas Sansthan. The project starts from 1st December 2015 to 31st May 2016. More than 300 blind and Deaf – Mute students will be benefitted by the different courses run in this project. The project include Computer, Music, Spoken English, Tailoring, Personality Grooming and Handicraft courses. These courses will help these students to stand on their own and as well as to get jobs in different sectors
Contact Person : Smt Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
District Level Sports Competetion-2015 |
16/10/2015 District Level Disable Persons Sports Competition – 2015
Closing Ceremony
Closing Ceremony of District Level Disable Persons Sports Competition was held on 3rd Sept 2015 at Netraheen Vikas Sansthan. The Sports competition was sponsored by Dept. of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of Rajasthan. A total of 209 students from 9 different institutes took part in the competitions. The winners were awarded by the esteemed guests. Sh. Ratan Lohati(Divisional Commisioner), Chief Guest Sh. Vineet Kothari (Justice, Rajasthan High Court), and other honorable guests were present in the ceremony.
Contact Person : Smt Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291- 2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
District Level Sports Competetion |
15/10/2015 District Level Disable Persons Sports Competition – 2015
Inauguration Ceremony
District Level Disable Persons Sports Competition was held on 2nd & 3rd Sept 2015 by Netraheen Vikas Sansthan. The Sports competition was sponsored by Dept. of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of Rajasthan. The Sports meet was inaugurated by Sh. Arun Chaturvedi, Minister Dept. of Social Justice & Empowerment. Sh. Ghanshyam Ojha (Commisioner), Sh. Jogaram Patel (MLA Luni), Sh. S.L. Pahadiya (Member, Dept. of Social Justice & Empowerment) and Sh. Narayanlal Panchariya(MP Rajya Sabha) were the honorable guests present in the ceremony.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
27/9/2015 Shilanyaas ceremony of Dr Amritlal Chagan Kanwar Gandhi Building held on 13th Sept 2015 at Ramraj Nagar Chokha, Jodhpur. Sh. Gulab Chand Kataria, Home Minister, Rajasthan(Chief Guest), Sh. Vasudev Devnani (President) and Sh. Rajendra Singh Rathore (Spl. Guest) and other honorable Guests Sh. Gajendra Shekhawat(MP, Jodhpur), Sh. Narayanlal Panchariya(MP Rajya Sabha), Sh. Ramnarayan DudiMP Rajya Sabha), Smt. Suryakanta Vyas(MLA Sursagar), Sh. Kailash Bhansali(MLA Jodhpur City) and Sh. Ghanshyam Ojha(Commissioner) and other esteemed Guests were present in the ceremony.
This is one step forward for providing high quality education and facilities to the B.Ed and D.Ed college Students.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291- 2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Pravesotsva - 2015 - 16 |
24/7/2015 25 Deaf - mute and 24 Blind students, total 49 new students were given entrance to the school in a colorful ceremany in pravesotsva.
On this occasion Dr. Vibha Mishra (fourmer Teacher) of this institute donated 3 Lakhs rupees to the institute for the welfare of these children.
District Head Sh. Poona Ram Choudhary was the chief guest, Dyt Mayor Sh. Devendra salecha, Dyt Dir. Social Justice & enpowerment sh. Sualal Ji were the other guests of honour.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Date Extend upto 16 July 2016 of B. Ed. - (VI) admission |
Contact Person : Sushila bohra, Chandra Raj Bhansali
Contact No. : 0291-2758463, 08947034660, 09414133879
Contact Mail : ajayleelaspecialttcollage@yahoo.in
Inauguration of New building |
17/3/2015 Smt Uma Sarda and her Son Naveen Sarda inaugurated the New building donated by them to Netraheen Vikas Sansthan. The Chief Guest on this occation was Justice Sandeep Mehta and Sp. Guests were Smt. Surya kanta Vyas and Mr. Suresh Rathi AND Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat.
Contact Person : Smt Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-27150423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
17/1/2015 Today (17th Jan. 2015) Health Camp for differently abled is organising at our institution with the help of AIIMS doctors under CSR initiative NSIC. It will be continued till tomorrow and next will be held on 24 and 25th Jan2015
Training programs are running under the CSR project of NSIC. Courses like
Handicraft Course, Sewing Course, Spoken English Course and Computer Courses with 25 students in each batch. The Course started on 7th November 2014. The course duration is 6/3/1 months.
S. No. |
Name of the Program |
Duration |
1 |
Computer Training for V.I. |
6 Months |
2 |
English Speaking Training Program for V.I. |
3 Months |
3 |
Tailoring Training Program |
6 Months |
4 |
Handicraft Training Prgram for H.I.(Hand Made Items) |
6 Months |
S. No. |
Name of the Program |
Duration |
1 |
Personality Development for V.I. Female Candidates |
1 Months |
S. No. |
Name of the Program |
Duration |
1 |
Normal Medical Checkups
Eye checkups for V.I.
ENT checkups |
20, 21 Dec. 2014
17, 18 Jan. 2015
24, 25 Jan 2015 |
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 9414133879
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
27/7/2014 On 23rd July 2014 the school celebrated PRAVESHOTSVA in which newly admitted 30 blind students and 65 deaf & mute students were greeted by our chief guest Dr. Preetam Yashwant, Dist. Collector, Jodhpur and Sh. Rajeev Sharma, Divisional Railway Manager, Jodhpur.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
16/9/2013 At the small function organized at Netraheen Vikas Sansthan premises on 12th September 2013, Our Chief Guest Shri Anil Vyas, Dy. Director Social Welfare Department, Jodhpur inaugurated the D.Ed College.
Here 2 years Dioploma in Eduction for Hearing Impaired will be conducted in 4 semesters.
This will be the only college in Jodhpur Division which will be conducting this course which is equivalent to STC for teaching Hearing Impaired children
Shri Purushotam Leela ji was the president and Smt. Sushila Bohra, President of Netreen Vikas Sansthan announced that this course is recongnized by Rehabilitation Council of India.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Smt. Sushila Bohra Awarded with 16th Mahaveer Award |
16/9/2013 Mrs. Sushila Bohra, President Netraheen Vikas Sansthan has been awarded 16th Mahaveer Award by Bhagwan Mahaveer Foundation, Chennai for Excellence in Human Endeavour on 4th June 2013 . The Award was given by Vice President of India Shri Hamid Ansari at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi. For her commendable services to the Society at large, she has been honored several times by the District Administration and also at State & National level.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
15/9/2013 We are about to construct a new college building. Presently the college is running in the old campus of Netraheen Vikas Sansthan situated at Kamla Nehru Nagar but now as the number of students are increasing in the school, the college has to be transferred to this new building so that we get proper space for both school and college.
Here are the maps and list of requirement for the Donors Contribution. We will be very greatful and honoured if you generously contribute for any of the following requirements shown in the list.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Our Student Hanumanram Puniya Meeting President of India |
6/2/2013 Our student Hanumanram Puniya met President of India Sh. Pranav Mukharjee after winning the 1st ever T-20 world cup cricket tournament for the blind organized by Cricket Association for the Blind in India (CABI) affiliated to World Blind Cricket Council (WBCC) a sports initiative of Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
India won the T-20 world cup Cricket Tournament |
6/2/2013 We are happy to inform that India has won the T-20 world cup Cricket Tournament organized by Cricket Association for the Blind in India (CABI) affiliated to World Blind Cricket Council (WBCC) a sports initiative of Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Our Student Hanuman selected from Rajasthan for T-20 world cup Cricket Tournament. |
We are very Proud to inform that Cricket Association for the Blind in India (CABI) affiliated to World Blind Cricket Council (WBCC) a sports initiative of Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled has selected Hanumanram Puniya to represent our state in Indian Blind Cricket team to play the 1st ever T-20 world cup cricket tournament for the blind held on 1st to 13th of December 2012 in Bangalore.
Contact Person : Smt Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
3/10/2012 On the arrival of Shri Suraj Prakash Bhati at the Jodhpur Railway station, the children and staff of Netraheen Vikas Sansthan welcomed him with great pomp and show and a function was also organized in the school to greet him. Divisional Commissioner Shri R. K. Jain, President Netraheen Vikas Sansthan Smt Sushila Bohra and other respected guests were present on this occasion.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
3/10/2012 On 5th September 2012 our Sansthan’s Sr. School teacher Shri Suraj Prakash Bhati received State Level Award at the Birla Auditorium in Jaipur. Chief Minister of Rajasthan Shri Ashok Gehlot, Director of Education Shri Har Sahay Meena, State Minister of Education Smt. Naseem Akhtar, Education Minister Shri Naval Kishore Sharma, Panchayat State Minister, President (Board of Secondary Education), Chief Administrative Secretary Shri Vinu Gupta and other esteemed guests were present on this occasion.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
3/9/2012 The Indian Independence Day was celebrated with great joy and happiness in our school. The Indian Flag was hoisted by the Chief Guest Shri Bikramjeet Singh, Industrialist. Shri Jagdish Gupta, Businessman, Smt. Sushila Bohra, President, Netraheen Vikas Sansthan and other honorable guests were present in the function.
Our blind children showcased many beautiful and interesting dance and music programme on this occation
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
1/9/2012 As the Blind children from Falodi and Baap Tehsil find it very far and difficult to come to Jodhpur for their studies, our school Netraheen Vikas Sansthan has recently opened a new branch at FALODI, Meghwalon ka Nyati Nohra, Indra Colony.
At the small function organized by the sansthan on 15th Auguest 2012 at Falodi, the inauguration was done by Shri Omji Joshi, MLA, Falodi. Chief Guest Shri Agarchandji Bhati, President, Municipality, Falodi, Smt. Sushila Bohra, President, Netraheen Vikas Sansthan, Chairman Smt. Radha Devi Meghwal, Pradhan, Panchayat Samiti and Shri Mana Ramji Patel, ADM Falodi as Special Guest were present at the function.
Any kind of help or donation for this new branch is always appreciable. We look forward for your kind gesture and consideration towards these blind students.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
1/9/2012 Our student Amar Jain S/o Shri Anil Jain has been appointed as Advisor in the company named TRILEGAL based in Mumbai with a package of 12,00000/- per annum. His schooling upto class XII was completed in our school, Netraheen Vikas sansthan, Jodhpur after which he moved to Mumbai to complete his study of law in National Law College, Mumbai. He was awarded at District level by the Honorable Collector on 15th August 2012. We wish him all success and happiness for his future.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Divisional Disable Persons Sport Competition - 2011 -2012 |
4/3/2012 Divisional Disable Persons Sport Competition 2011-2012
Divisional Disable Persons Sports Competition was held on 24rd & 25th February 2012 by Netraheen Vikas Sansthan at Gowshala ground. The Sports competion was sponsored by Dept. of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of Rajasthan.
Shri Bal Mukund Joshi, Senior Divisional Manager, LIC, Jodhpur Division(chief guest), former MLA Shri Jugal Kabra(President) & Shri Anil Vyas (Dy.Director) Dept. of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of Rajasthan were Special Guests in Inauguration function.
At the closing ceremony Shri Rajendra Solanki, President J.D.A (Chief guest), Dy. Mayor Shri Nyaz Mohammad(president) & Shri Anil Vyas (Dy.Director) Dept. of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of Rajasthan were Special Guests in the function.
All the categories of Disable persons Blind, Deaf – Dumb, Mentally Retarded & Physically Handicapped participated in different competitions
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 02750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Our student selected in International Cricket Team of India for blind |
16/11/2011 Our student Hanuman Punia got selected in the International Cricket Team of India for blind. He will be leaving for Pakistan on 16th November 2011. He will be playing five days one day international Cricket match held from16th to 28 November 2011. Smt Sushila Bohra(President Netraheen Vikas Sansthan), Shri Basant Kumar Shah(Secretary), Shri Ramswaroop and Shri Prakash(Coach), Principal, Staff and all students has wished him best of luck for the tournament.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2751898
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
School Health Check Up and Awareness Camp |
12/11/2011 Dr. Sarvpally Radha Krishnan Rajasthan Ayurvedic University conducted 2 days camp in our school on 10th and 11th October 2011. Under the leadership of Dr. Prem Prakash Vyas (Associate Professor and head Paediatrics). A team of expert doctors(Medical Teachers) including Dr. Rajvir Singh(Associate Prof. ENT & dentist), Dr. Harish singhal(Associate Prof. Paediatrics), Dr. Jai Singh Yadav(Associate Prof. Hygine) and ten interim Doctors has checked up all the students and made available medicines free of cost.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Inauguration of new building |
12/11/2011 On October 9, 2011, the newly constructed 3rd floor of Amritlal Chagan Kanwar Gandhi Smriti Bhawan was inaugurated by Chief Guest Shri Dalweer Singh Bhandari (Judge, Supreme Court). His Highness Maharaja Gaj Singhji, Shri Suresh Gandhi(Social Worker), Shri Basant Gandhi(Social Worker), Smt. Chagan Kanwar Gandhi, Smt Sushila Bohra(President, Netraheen Vikas Sansthan) and other dignitaries of Jodhpur were present on this occasion.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
4/5/2011 A camp for taking impression of ear mould for hearing impaired candidates was held on 2nd May 2011. In this camp, students of Acharya Hasti Vishesh Avasiya Vidyala (A unit of Netraheen Vikas Sansthan) jodhpur and people from nearby villages were benefited. The main participation of Social welfare, CWC, STRAKEY Foundation and Audiologist Mr. Siddharth Jacob made this event very successful.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
2011 IBSA World Youth and Students Championships |
7/3/2011 Our three students Mr. Gorav Swami, Mr. Hanuman Poonia and Ms. Nirmala Meena have been selected for participating in 2011 IBSA World Youth and Students Championships which is going to be held in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. from 12th July to 17th July 2011.United States Association of blind Athletes is hosting this championship. The eligible candidates have been short listed on the basis of their performance in the 17th National Sports Meet for the blind held in Panchkula, Haryana in December 2010.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Zonal Disable Persons Sport Competition - 2011 (Closing Ceremony) |
18/2/2011 The closing ceremony of the Zonal Disable Persons Sport Competition – 2011 was held at Medical College auditorium on 13th February 2011. Medals and Trophies were presented to the winning teams and Players of different schools, which participated in this competition. Shri S.C. Jain (Dy. General Manager, Union Bank of India, Jaipur) was the honorable Chief guest and Shri K.R. Meena (Sub divisional Officer, LIC), Shri Kewal Chand Modi (Social Worker), Shri Anil Khanna (Head North India, Saraswat Bank, Delhi), Shri Madan Lal Saboo and Gopal Saboo were the honorable Special guest on this occasion.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Zonal Disable Persons Sport Competition - 2011 |
18/2/2011 Zonal Disable Persons Sport Competition – 2010 organized by Netraheen Vikas Sansthan on was inaugurated by District Council CEO Smt. Anandi on 12th February 2011. The Sports competition is sponsored by Dept. of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of Rajasthan. Shri Naresh Sehal (Principal, Somani College) and Shri Mahendra Sing Shekahwat (Secretary Sports Council, J.N.V.U. Jodhpur) were present as special guest on this occation.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Zonal Disable Persons Sport Competition - 2011 |
24/1/2011 Netraheen Vikas Sansthan is going to organize a Zonal Disable Persons Sport Competition – 2010 on 12th and 13th February 2011. The Sports competition is sponsored by Dept. of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of Rajasthan.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Planning to donate pair of shoes |
22/1/2011 Last summer a community service program called Sue"s Shoes donated 300 pairs of shoes to the students of Netraheen Vikas Sansthan. This year they hope to grow the program larger by including several other donors all over the country donate more shoes to the students of the institute this year.
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
10/1/2011 The blind students of Netraheen Vikas sansthan has shown extra ordinary performance in 17th National Athletic championship organized by Indian Blind Association in Chandigarh from 25 December 2010 to 29 December 2010.
In this tournament 500 athletes from 28 states participated and our blind students won 28 medals with 15 Gold, 10 Silver and 3 Bronze medal
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Inauguration of New Bus |
6/7/2010 LIC of India, Jodhpur donated a Bus for the Blind and Deaf & Dumb students of Netraheen Viaks Sansthan. The Bus was inaugurated on 12th March 2010
Contact Person : Smt. Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 0291-2750423
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Divisional Disable Persons Sport Competition - 2010 |
5/3/2010 Divisional Disable Persons Sport Competition - 2010
Divisional Disable Persons Sports Competition was held on 23rd & 24th February 2010 by Netraheen Vikas Sansthan at Gowshala ground. The Sports competion was sponsored by Dept. of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of Rajasthan.
Mayor Shri Rameshwar Dadich(chief guest), former MLA Shri Jugal Kabra(President), Social worker Shri Pukhraj Gupta & Shri Anil Vyas (Dy.Director) Dept. of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of Rajasthan were Special Guests in Inauguration function.
At the closing ceremony Chief guest Shri Rajendra Solanki, Former President U.I.T., President Smt. Om kumari Gehlot former Mayor and special guest shri Sandeep Mehta President Bar Council.
All the categories of Disable persons Blind, Deaf – Dumb, Mentally Retarded & Physically Handicapped participated in different competitions
Contact Person :
Contact No. :
Contact Mail :
Opening College of Special Education by the Netraheen Vikas Sansthan |
8/8/2009 Netraheen Vikas Sansthan is going to inaugurate a Bachlor Degree Programme in Special Education (Visual Impairment) on 10th August2009. This course is affiliated with Jai Narayan Vyas University Jodhpur and recognised by Rehabilitation Council of India New Delhi. Duration of Course is one year and total intake capacity is 25 students.
Contact Details :
Smt. Sushila Bohra
Department of B.Ed Special Education (Visual Impairment)
Neraheen Vikas Sansthan
Contact Person :
Contact No. :
Contact Mail :
Inauguration of Proff. Dr.Amritlal Chagan Kanwar Gandhi Bhawan |
11/2/2009 Honble Chief Minister of Rajasthan Shri Ashok Gehlot will inaugurate new Hostel building in memory of Proff Dr. Amrit lal Chagan Kanwar Gandhi on 15th February 2009 at 10.30 A.M . The building has been donated by Shri Sureshji Basantji Gandhi & family Mumbai in memory of their late father Dr. Amrit lal ji Gndhi.
Contact Person : Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 94141-33879
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
Inauguration of Computer Braille Lab - 5th Feb 2009 , |
6/2/2009 The new Computer high-tech Braille lab with 6 desktop LCD Computers having latest softwares for blind was inaugurated by Commissioner of Jodhpur Mr J.P.Chandelia,IAS and former chief Secretary,Govt of Rajasthan Shri M.L.Mehta,IAS on 5th February 2009. The funds for the computer Training Centre have been provided by Rajasthan Mission on Livelihoods, thru Eye Bank Society of Rajasthan, Jaipur . The blind students will be largely benefited by latest audio softwares such as jaws, sreelipi Duxbury & open book etc thru which they can access and listen any websites or educational programmes .
Contact Person : Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : 9414133879
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
14/10/2008 Gargy Award is given by the Department of Education , Government of Rajasthan to those girls who secures 75% marks in Seccondary Board Exams.
Two girls of School got the Gargy Award recently in September 2008 namely
Ms.Pragya 75.17%
Ms. Maina 75.00%
Contact Person : Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : +91- 94141 33879
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org
12/9/2008 Mr.Naresh Jain, Principal of the Blind School Jodhpur run by Netraheen Vikas Sansthan has been awarded the prestigious National Teachers Award -2007 by Honorable President of India Mrs.Pratibha Patil in New-Delhi on 5th September 2008 in presence of Prime minister of India Dr.Manmohan Singh. For detail of Photos kindly visit the " Gallery page " of this site.
Contact Person : Sushila Bohra
Contact No. : +91- 94141 33879
Contact Mail : contact@jodhpurblindschool.org