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Walk Through Documentry .
Blind School In Jodhpur
Employed Students
Executive Committee
Hndicraft Working
India Expo Mart Delhi 2022
School activities
School Teachers
Social Activities
Teachers’ Training College
Vision behind School formation
Why the School was opened
Human body is very important and invaluable in one’s life. Eyes are the most precious amongst the different organs. One has to face in numerable difficulties in absence of eyes. Imagine the life one has to live without seeing the beauty of rising sun, deprived of enjoyment of observing the beauty of blooming flowers and even unable to see the face of his mother. Here one can truly realize famous proverb “ The wearer knows where the Shoe pinches.” It is well said that there can not be any kith and kin of a bind person except his intellectual eyes developed in him otherwise in absence of it he has to be fully dependent for every routine work upon others. Though proper training provided to the blind can not of course provide them eyes but can make them self reliant and self dependent. Realizing the painful sufferings of the blind,this School was started, with merely 2 children on 15th August 1977 in Jodhpur. It has its own constitution & registered with Registrar of Societies and also anyone giving help to this society will enjoy exemption from income tax under section 80-G. For more details visit ' About school ' link on home page.


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